View grades through My Courses
View grades from in a course
Here are a few ways you can view your grades:

Viewing your grades

You can view your feedback from either the "Grade" selection in the Course Dashboard and scrolling down, or you can go into each Module and click on "feedback available" on the assignment. From there you can click on the activity and then click "Edit Submission" to make revisions. Make sure to contact your instructor after resubmitting, otherwise they won't know to grade your coursework.

You can contact your instructor by email or by the messaging system in Please follow these steps:


  1. Visit the Course Facilitators page ( to find the email address for each instructor. 
  2. You can also contact the facilitator via the Child Care Training Messaging system.
  • Go to “My Courses” (on the top right of the screen after logging in). 
  • Click on the appropriate course. 
  • Scroll down and see Course Contacts on the left side of the page. 
  • Click "message" associated with the facilitator and it should take you to a messenger.
  • You can also click on their name, to be redirected to their Personal Profile. From here, you can find their email to contact them.

Remember, it is your responsibility to monitor your grades, per the Individual Learning Policy