To upload a file:
- Click Add submission or Edit submission.
- In the File submissions section, if you see "You can drag and drop files here to add them" then your web browser supports drag and drop. You can locate the file on your computer and drag it over into this submission area. Your file will upload. Afterwards, skip to Step 10. If you don't see that message then continue to Step 3.
- In the File submissions section, click .
- On the left column of the File picker window, click Upload a file.
- On the right column of the File picker window, click Choose File.
- On your computer, locate and click on the file. Then click Open.
- Click Upload this file.
- You will see your file added in the submission area.
- Repeat steps 3-8 for uploading more files.
- When you are done, click Save changes.
Once your file(s) have been uploaded, it will appear in the Submission status section of the module activity page.